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Talents come out of competition, not visible. We respect everyone's knowledge and abilities and pay attention to the quality training of employees. We provide opportunities and environments for fair competition. Strive for employees to realize their self-worth through competition and cooperation. Our basic concept of talents is: Simultaneous ethics and talents, morality first, dedication-oriented. We don't know people with Bole's insight, but just let the horse race gallop.

Principles of Employment:

Knowing people: Knowing people, understanding people, and respecting people, not only knowing people's appearance, but also knowing their potential;

Tolerance: Create a relaxed environment, make people feel comfortable, do not ask for full blame, and allow to improve self-discipline;

Educating people: health-oriented, moral education first, skills first, and everyone becomes talented;

Employment: Provide a stage for each employee to display their talents and create opportunities for learning, development and promotion;

Life: Treat each other with sincerity, be kind to others, dedicated to work, loyal to your duties, take the company as your home, and share prosperity and disgrace with the company.


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